Jamboree in d Park

I had a good time at Jamboree yesterday considering that they didn't start me off good. The Jamboree was carded to start @ 1600hrs and this Trini is one who is a stickler for time. I was there from 1610hrs and when I reach music wasn't even playing. I laugh @ myself remembering when I was leaving home my sister asking me where I was going so early... any way I wasn't the only one early... I met up with Raj who was early too. We talked about Crime on my work place and watched as others arrived and wondered how long the wait would be. Fire officers and BARS staff were still strolling in late and apparently in no hurry. The Benson & Hedges girls came strolling down in some clothes that didn't fit them too good and still no music.

1700hrs and some music began to come out from the sound system but no entrance to the people gathered. I guess we were the ones who didn't go to AC5 the night before. Finally, the wait was over at 1710hrs when after drinking a Carib from the corn soup vendor they heeded Shurwayne's call and opened the gate.

First ting was to get a proper drink... CARIB is all good but when Scotch or Vodka is available... Why drink a BEER? I stopped by the Blu Vodka booth to get a little taste with some Ocean Spray... you might as well drink d freebees until they either run you or run out... My companion had some Capaccino ting that mimics Baileys and I then proceded to scope the venue.

I feel the need to know who doing what with regard to Sound/Video/Lighting. AD Sound company (Gus) was doing the overall sound and lighting while I surmised that the video screens and closed circuit coverage came from Media 21. STAG, a Man's beer, was trying ting with a video projector in a big white ball but they didn't place it to get the greatest possible audience. Benson & Hedges had a whole Tent/Booth with complimentry Bar and a couple 43" Plasma Screens constantly running ads. High Fidelity was running a SOCA mix down from the Laptop and I was drinking my Vodka enjoying myself in the cool evening.

Mr. Slaughter @ Jamboree 2007Imij & Co. arrived in a 25 seater and immediately proceded to set up. DAMN they took long. It seemed to me like an hour cause I was begining to loose the buzz I created by downing a fair amount of Blu & Sobieski Vodka. I usually try not to drink alcohol when gearing up to follow instructions. I saw Mr. Camps constantly checking lines on the Main board, like one was giving trouble. I couldn't let the buzz completely go away so off I went to get a screwdriver to help my cause.

Imij finally came on about 1925hrs and their performance wasn't as good as I expected. I am a big fan of the band and the best part of their performance came when Mr. Slaughter entered the stage just before 2000hrs. I had actually gone for something to eat and returned to the stage for Slaughter. I had to Spread The Love... set completed Imij & Mr. Slaughter gone back to the DJ...

Bunji Garlin @ Jamboree 2007Bunji Garlin is the Fire Man. Coming on at approximately 2050hrs he gave us hits from the past and led us into a beautiful display of the Steelpan's versatility. Garlin freestyled on a multitude of topics even taking up the challenge by a patron who gave him a bottle of Scotch to wet his throat; the video here.
Ninjitsu gave Jouvay from 2006 and SkaFace came with Audrey also from 2006. I don't think he was well received by the audience. I was drenched in sweat after Garlin & The ASYLUM tore up the stage.

'Mashing up Fete is Meh Name' also made an appearance... for those who don't know that is Neil Iwer George's new name. After hearing and seeing him in Blue Range All Inclusive I knew what he was coming with but this time I had the opportunity to 'Show Meh Hand' for him to 'Read my Palm'... I did most certainly Jump Up & Get on BAD...

Iwer George @ Jamboree 20072230hrs and I decided it was time to leave. I have no idea if Destra came with Atlantik... and I eh really bizness either... not really a Destra fan... but assume she had to come cause ah d amount of DIGICEL signage and rags.

I look forward to the 2008 edition and I hope to enjoy Euphoria on the coming Saturday even more...

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