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moved to wordpress

check it out bandwagonist.wordpress.com


moving to WORDPRESS

I've decided to move to wordpress... been long in coming... its just cleaner than this...

so update your bookmarks... from bandwagonist.blogspot.com to bandwagonist.wordpress.com

or you can still find me @ bandwagonist.com wherever I move to

I still looking for work so if you wanna link no prob

Destra Garcia - Wine It



Will work for...

RENT!.. not food... that is a last resort... I could get by without it... I really want to work to keep me sane... I need to be out there doing something... preferably between 0830 and 1530 hrs... I have other responsibilities outside those hours... well i would consider working in the night as well if it starting after 2000hrs... i doh need any pimps calling me either... but is a real need...

i eh have no papers higher than CXC but have plenty hands on experience... as I say that I could be a masseuse!.. nah... i eh wah be dealing with no happy ending for nobodyelse... i could type fuh yuh, operate a camera... be a chauffeur, yeah do transport wukk... I not on the PH route yet but might reach there... some trips wit dem skool chirren... but i eh have no hard pong!.. in d car...

i serious bout needing to keep doing someting buh i eh no Subway or NP worker... and I cyar wash more that 2 car fuh d day... if yuh really want it clean that is! drop some links in d comments if you have wukk... i eh wukkin for less that $35 ah hour!.. well depending on the perks...

Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard

I just LOVE technology



100 FART?